"La chute" (the fall) is represented in the first act of the work, it is a real spiral, the flow is recognizable by its outward movement created by flipping and spinning the paper.

The second act, "L'atterrissage'' (landing) is the meaning of the movement, it transforms and dissolves until it disappears. After you no longer perceive single shapes but a tangle of networks that have neither beginning nor end.

Thank to the warm rays of the sun the whole process is possible. The fall never changes its direction, from above it crosses the three-dimensional atmosphere and finally
lay down on the floor.

My idea of falling is a natural process, just like the making of artworks themselves. The sun is life, light is the natural element without the ''Chute'' and the ''Atterrissage'' would not even be visible.

All the medias used are all deriving from natural elements and together, just like a chemical formula, react.

C’est l’histoire d’un homme qui tombe d’un immeuble de 50 étages. Le mec, au fur et à mesure de sa chute, il se répète sans cesse pour se rassurer : « Jusqu’ici tout va bien… Jusqu’ici tout va bien… Jusqu’ici tout va bien. » Mais l’important, c’est pas la chute. C’est l’atterrissage.