The project narrates a story that lasts one day, five works created with different sun exposure times for five different moments of the day that converse with each other. From the first work exposed at the first light of day, to the last one, exposed at sunset.

"I was woken up by the sound of birds singing (Dawn)." 2024. Cyanotype emulsion, turmeric, acrylic, and spray paint. 50 cm diameter

"Under the morning sun (10 am)." 2024. Cyanotype emulsion, turmeric, dried gelatin, acrylic, and spray paint. 100 cm diameter

"I was kind with myself (the sun is high in the sky)." 2023. Cyanotype emulsion, turmeric, and spray paint. 193 cm diameter

"Under the evening sun (5 pm)." 2024. Cyanotype emulsion, turmeric, dried gelatin, acrylic, and spray paint. 100 cm diameter

"I saw the mountain swallow the sun (Sunset)." 2024. Cyanotype emulsion, turmeric, acrylic, and spray paint. 50 cm diameter